Adult Basic Education (ABE) Classes consist of instruction sessions that provide basic skills for adults who are performing below the ninth grade level in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and other basic skills.
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy classes consist of instruction designed to increase digital & information literacy skills of adult learners to better function in the workplace.
English Language Learners (ELL) Classes consist of instruction designed to increase the skills of adults with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Many programs also include civics related instructional activities such as health, family, financial literacy, and preparation for the citizenship test.
GED and High School Equivalency (HSE) classes consist of instruction designed to prepare adults whose goal is to acquire a GED Certificate. Instruction focuses on the four subjects measured by the GED test: Reasoning through Language arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematical Reasoning. Qualified adult learners have several options to prepare for the GED: Classroom-based instruction, On-line Instruction, & subject-specific instructions.
Workforce Development
PluggedInVA (PIVA) & IET (Integrated Education & Training) are career pathway programs that prepare adult learners with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in postsecondary education, training, and high-demand, high-wage careers in the 21st century.
Businesses, Organizations, and adults interested in establishing a career pathway program in a specific industry in collaboration with local WIOA partners, please contact Contact MP R.A.C.E. @